Getting Set Up with
Laura’s SimplePractice Client Portal
This page is for new clients to see the process of getting set up in our SimplePractice online practice management system.
Welcome to Laura M. Brotherson’s New Client Set Up page! Here you will find helpful information to be ready for your first appointment with Laura. We will walk you through the steps for logging into our SimplePractice client portal where you’ll need to:
- Review and e-sign the new client docs (for each person participating in the session), and
- Add your credit card information prior to your first session.
If you are a local “in-office” client, you will only need to set up your account in the SimplePractice practice management system client portal, though we also have secure video conferencing available should you want to do online sessions in the future:
- SimplePractice – This is our secure client portal system where you can review and e-sign the new client docs, input credit card information, set and change appointments, set up appointment reminders, and access handouts and billing information, etc.
- Zoom – This securely encrypted video conferencing system is used for our online clients who are unable attend sessions in office (that either live too far from Laura’s office or this can be used by in-office clients if they ever want the convenience of online sessions). Click here to view instructions for setting up Zoom Video Conferencing.
SimplePractice Client Account Benefits
Benefits of our new practice management system include the following:
- PAPERLESS DOCUMENTS – Review and electronically sign your new informed consent documents.
- AUTOMATED BILLING – Add or update your credit card payment information, and be charged regularly for each session instead of having to manually pay for each session.
- SCHEDULING – Schedule, cancel, reschedule and check on the date and time of your upcoming counseling appointments
- REMINDERS – Receive appointment reminders
- HANDOUTS – View and download any of Laura’s counseling handouts (available soon!)
- ACCOUNT INFO – Review session and account history
Overview — Setting Up Your SimplePractice Client Portal Account
The following information provides step-by-step instructions for setting up your account with SimplePractice to prepare you for first session with Laura. Please read through all of the information thoroughly, as a missed step or instruction can cause issues in the future.
NOTE: Once you are brought in as a new client, we will send you an email invitation through SimplePractice for you to login and set up your account. Check in with us if you have not received that email:
Email: Click here to contact us
Phone: 801-709-0253 (voice and text)
Please login to SimplePractice with the email login invite you should have received as soon as possible before your appointment and do the following:
1.0 – Setting Up Your SimplePractice Client Portal Account
2.0 – Review Your Upcoming Appointment(s)
3.0 – Schedule an Appointment
4.0 – Other Info about Client Portal
5.0 – Login in the future
6.0 – Zoom Video Conferencing
7.0 – Prepare for and Following Your First Session
1.0 – Setting Up Your SimplePractice Client Portal Account
To set up your new online client account:

Step 1. You will receive a login activation email with the subject line: “[Activation Required] Welcome to Laura’s online practice management system” sent from Laura M. Brotherson, LMFT, CST through SimplePractice.
Step 2. Click on the link and enter your username (your email address) and the temporary 4-digit password (provided in the email).
Step 3. You’ll be asked to create a new secure password for your account. Be sure to make it memorable and/or record it somewhere, though you will be able to use the “Forgot Password” option if needed in the future.
Step 4. Click on “Get Started” to begin reviewing and electronically signing the client forms and documents under the “Documents” tab. Please review and sign all client documents and questionnaires. It may take 20-30 minutes to complete these five forms. The documents you will be asked to review and sign or fill in are:
- Informed Consent & Privacy Policies
- Counseling Practice Policies
- Both clients (if coming as a couple) need to e-sign their own client docs (#1 and #2 above) for ethical purposes.
- Client Contact Information
- Turn on text and/or voice reminders if you want to receive appointment reminders.
- Please keep “Ok to send me emails” checked, so we can provide you with documents and other information as needed.
- Be sure to choose the correct location of your appointments:
- The Marital Intimacy Institute – UT (for in-office sessions),
- The Marital Intimacy Institute – ONLINE (for video/ph sessions)
- Click “Save and Continue” when all info is inputted
- Client Questionnaire
- Credit Card Information
- Please enter your Credit Card info if using Credit/Debit as your payment method, which will be the case for most clients since we don’t bill insurance.
- Both clients (if coming as a couple) also need to input their credit card information, so that it won’t matter who sets your appointments. For auto-pay to work smoothly, SimplePractice charges the account of the client who sets the appointment.
Your setup process is complete! The other tabs you will see in your Client Portal in addition to “Documents” are “Appointments,” “Billing & Payments,” and “Sign Out.”
2.0 – Review your Upcoming Appointments

After completing the items on the “Documents” tab, click on the “Appointments” tab at the top of your Client Portal.. Since we have likely inputted your first appointment for you, you should be able to see it and double check that it was set for the correct date and time.
Upcoming sessions will be listed below the weekly calendar under “Upcoming Sessions” on the “Appointments” page and will provide the following information (for appointments in the Upcoming and Requested tabs):
- Date and Time of session
- Location of the session will also be shown:
- 1875 North 1120 West, Provo UT 84604 (for in-office sessions), or
- Online – Secure Video Conferencing, Provo UT 84604 (for video/ph sessions)
When you set your own appointment, it will remain “Pending” in the Requested tab within the Appointments page until Laura has confirmed your appt, then it will move to the “Upcoming” tab. You can generally plan that if the time slot is showing available that the appointment will be confirmed.
It will also list any cancelled sessions. To cancel a session that has been scheduled, click on “Cancel” listed at the bottom middle of the specified session. Then click on the “Yes, Cancel It” button to confirm cancellation, or “No, Keep It” button if you want to keep the session. If you need to cancel the session within 24 hours of the scheduled date, our phone number will show up in place of the “Cancel Session” button for you to call or text us since it’s shorter notice – (801) 709-0253.
3.0 – Schedule an Appointment

To schedule a new appointment, be sure you are logged in and on the “Appointments” tab of the menu bar.
Step 1. Click on the blue “Request Now” button.
Step 2. Next select the session type you are wanting (individual or couple session, online or in-office, regular or priority client). It’s especially important that you choose the correct “individual or couples” session type so that we know to add the other person to the schedule. This system doesn’t currently let you add the 2nd client through the client portal when setting the appointment.
The “PC” codes at the higher session rate are for our Priority Clients who have requested to be moved to the top of our wait list. If you encounter any problems selecting the correct session type, simply choose any session type then let us know what the correct session type should be and we will fix it.
- CT60 Couple therapy, 60 min at $150/hr
- IT60 Indiv therapy, 60 min at $150/hr
- O-CT60 OnLn–Coupl therapy, 60 min at $150/hr
- O-IT60 OnLn–Indiv therapy, 60 min at $150/hr
- PC-CT60 Pri-Clnt–Couple therapy, 60 min at $180/hr
- PC-IT60 Pri-Clnt–Indiv therapy, 60 min at $180/hr
- PC-O-CT60 Pri-Clnt-OnLn–Coupl therapy, 60 min at $180/hr
- PC-O-IT60 Pri-Clnt-OnLn–Indiv therapy, 60 min at $180/hr
Step 3. Select the correct location of your appointment:
- The Marital Intimacy Institute – UT (for in-office sessions), or
- The Marital Intimacy Institute – ONLINE (for video/ph sessions)
Step 4. To navigate through to see the available appointments, click the right and left arrows at the top of the calendar to change the dates shown. Dates that have available sessions with have blue text with a white background. Click on the date to show available times to the right of the calendar. Select the desired time of a day that works for you. to see the new screen of what time slots are available. (Note: Each day is divided into three separate parts of the day: 1) Morning, 2) Afternoon or 3) Evening sessions). You can also change the time zone to the right of the calendar, so that the appt time slots display in your time zone.
Step 5. Once you’ve clicked on a time, it will send a request to Laura for confirmation and take you to the a new page with the details of your appointment. You can choose to sync this appt with your, Google, Apple, or Outlook Calendar if desired. You may also select “Cancel Session.”
Step 6. To review all appointments, simply click on the “Appointments” tab at the top of the page. The Upcoming tab will list all upcoming appointments. It will also list any cancelled appointments. The Requested tab will list all appointments you’ve requested that have not yet been approved.
Step 7. To change a current appointment simply select your new session time and cancel your previous appointment. Even though the new appointment will require Laura’s confirmation, it will generally always be approved, so you can go ahead and cancel your previous appointment at the same time as setting the new one.
Your new Appointment, it is now requested/set!
4.0 – Other info about the Client Portal

Billing & Payments. On the Billing & Payments tab, found on the Menu bar, you will be able to view your: Current balance, Account history, Recent invoices, Recent statements.
Client Documents. Once all your client documents have been completed and signed, you can view or download them by clicking on the “Documents” tab from the Menu bar. (Note: Only signed documents are able to be downloaded and viewed.)
Any documents not completed will display under the “Documents you need to sign or fill out” section. To update your Contact Info or Credit Card information, please Click Here send a request or text 801-709-0253.
5.0 – Login in the future
To login to SimplePractice in the future simply use the following link (you may want to bookmark this URL):
You can easily use your phone to set appointments by going to this link on your mobile phone’s web browser.
6.0 – Zoom Video Conferencing
We also offer secure Video Conferencing through Zoom for those who will be meeting with Laura online for their counseling sessions (or are unable to meet with Laura “in-office”). Please visit our Zoom Video Set Up page for more information.
7.0 – Prepare for and Following Your First Session
The following are a few suggestions for you to make the most of your session time and to understand the process following your first session:
BEFORE… Your First Session:
- Background Story/Email. It may be helpful for you and/or anyone participating in the counseling to also send Laura (Click Here) a confidential email with as much background information as you would like to share about anything you think would be helpful for her to know or understand ahead of time. This can save some time in session, and allow you to dive in more quickly when you meet. It can also be therapeutic in and of itself to write out your story and/or your concerns. If you can send that at least a day before your first session that would be great.
- Confidential Email and Texts. Be sure to use Laura’s personal cell # or her confidential email (see above) for any confidential information you’d like to share with her, if you don’t want it to go through an assistant. New clients can request both her email and cell# from 801-709-0253 (voice and text messages).
- Notebook and Pen. During your counseling sessions have a notebook and pen to take notes and track your homework. In-office clients will have access to pens and notepads unless you’d like to keep everything in one notebook of your own.
AFTER…Your First Session:
- Scheduling Your Next Session. We encourage clients to get in the habit of going online to schedule their next appointment the same day as their previous appointment. We recommend scheduling future counseling sessions at least a month out to ensure your desired appointment time is available and to help us accurately see when we have enough availability to bring on new waitlist clients. We may end up giving your appointment slots to new waitlist clients if you don’t have your future appointments set up regularly. You can set your appointments in your SimplePractice Client Portal account.
- NOTE: Whomever will be attending the counseling session will need to use their portal account to schedule the appointment as their name will be placed on the calendar appointment. For couples, only one person needs to schedule the appointment then just be sure to choose the Couples Therapy session type applicable to their type of session (in-office, online, or Priority Client) and we will add their partner when reviewing the appointment request.
- NOTE: For couples sessions whomever schedules the appointment will have their credit card on file be charged through Auto Pay, so please be sure to have both accounts set up with the credit card information, so that Auto Pay will work automatically regardless of who the appointment is for.
- Session Auto Payments. Most clients will be set up on “Auto Pay” after you create your SimplePractice online account and input your credit card (and after you have your first session), so there will be no need to worry about when and how to make the session payments. The charges will run automatically the day after the session. Email invoices you receive will just be a notice of payment.
- Changing Appointments. If you need to change an appointment within 24 hrs of your scheduled time, you will need to text us at (801) 709-0253.